Friday, June 6, 2008

Board Level Influence and Yes Dynamics

Had an epiphany to seek the assistance from a non-profit homeless shelter I support. Decided to approach the Executive Director to see if he would be interested in a supporting a top shelf movie project I am working on. The proposition was this: if he could ask his board members to help me get my movie funded through their connections, I could in turn make a contribution to the organization and also create a documentary on their excellent track record (paid for out of those proceeds).

Well, after a few questions and answers, it looks like we will be presenting to the board. This board is comprised of very influential business people with a heart for the homeless and very influential in business in this city. So, we are looking forward to their review of our proposal.

What was interesting, is the timing of my inquiry. The mission was already interested in looking at the possibility of a documentary. I really believe "not-for-profits" operate in a unique plane of existence and are open to oppportunities and ideas. I rarely find this in a traditional business. It is almost like they are programmed to say "no" and speaking to a VP can be like speaking the the "VP of NO!". Companies should be more fluid and explore all opportunities and sadly, return calls (rarely do people return calls these days). The answer should be "not now", "wait", "maybe", or "let's move and move quickly". Get caught up in The VORTEX!

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