Sunday, August 24, 2008

On Personal Marketing and Diligence

Are you really good at follow-up, communication, and returning calls and replying to e-mails?

Marketers are mindful of their own brand. Great Marketers and some people I know are great at all of the above. In fact, I really value those that are great at even one of these. My mission and assignment is to model this and teach it to new clients and friends as we go about establishing our own brands.

People are valuable, relationships are incredible, and too often some folk are quick to write off an opportunity (many selfishly). My advice is to always keep your ears and eyes open. Treat everyone with respect and nurture your relationships. Always be thinking, "How can I help this person?".

If you are in sales, diligence goes a long way. You realize that people are busy, forgetful, and sometimes downright rude. But, if you believe in your product or service you are going to keep coming back and that can ultimately win you a client.

My company once helped get a successful radio show on the air that profiles top CEOs and successful business start-ups. I was happy to help, but was disappointed that a potential friendship in business missed out. That principal later asked me why he never knew about this project. Sadly, I told him "Hey I did call you and e-mailed (several times), but you and your assistant never called me back."

So, I learned a valuable lesson from that situation and strive to return every call, reply to every e-mail (that is relevant not SPAM), and honor the people I am working with by respecting their expertise and their time and attention.

What lessons have you learned in regards to reputation, diligence, and your personal brand? Is it really worth your time to return every call? Or reply to every e-mail?

Get caught up in THE VORTEX!

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